Blog page 3

Thoughts, Musings, News About The Site And My Photography

If you have any questions, comments, suggestions, please email me on artcore-cafe (at) and I will try to answer.

Weekend Away At Bergamo Sex

1st September 2015 18:45

An unbelievable show, marred only by very difficult lighting. I'm not sure how much I'll be able to use! They had this bright backlit screen which made everything a bit of a sillouette.

Anyway, as usual, there was a small service interruption - there always is when I'm away! Sorry, should be OK now. Remember, this isn't met-art. One server, that's all there is!


15th August 2015 13:35

I'm old fashioned about my cricket. I mean, stuffing Australia in 3 days is great, but my ideal cricket is lazy, sunny, meandering towards a draw, and with a score where the number of hundreds is greater that the number of wickets - you know, 360 - 2 or something.

Anyway, I've just had a quick last minute shoot with a northern model called Scarlet, and she managed more or less the same - more orgasms than photo sets. In this case 6 - 5. She left shattered, which given that she has 2 more shoots today might have been a little selfish of me - but what am I to do? If she wants to cum, am I supposed to say "No"? :)

Honey I'm Back!

9th August 2015 20:16

The last couple of weeks I've been taking a break, apart from putting the updates live and, of course, that wrestling match over the DNS issue. This was because the amazing, gorgeous, beautiful and sexy Ms Artcore has been staying with me for a while. I've just taken her back to the airport (I'll see her again in six weeks) so I'm back with you... A huge backlog of photosets to process, shoots with Mystique and Deena next week, Kayla coming to stay for 5 days, and the BergamoSex festival in Italy - all that by the end of August!

Apologies ... And A Big Thankyou

4th August 2015 11:34

The more observant among you may have noticed we were down for nearly a day there... something wrong with the DNS registry. I was about to start working out how to extend everyone, but it came back in just under a day :). Sorry about that... A big thankyou to the support guy (I won't name him in case he doesn't want his name on an adult site!) at the webhosts who works incredible hours and ended up logging on to the DNS registry to fix their problem. For security reasons I shouldn't publish the hosting details, but if anyone is thinking of running a site contact me and I will tell you who they are.

Follow me on twitter @ArtcoreCK ... then at least if the website carps it temporarily you'll know what is going on :)

I Told You Amyka Was Back

25th July 2015 07:21

She's asleep in the spare room right now. A lot has happened in the 2 1/2 years since I last saw her. She's now married and a mum, and is getting back into modelling again. I actually had a b/g shoot with her and her boyfriend (now husband) 3 years ago, which they did for me as a practise for some pro shoots they were planning - they'd only known each other for about 2 weeks then and boy were they hot for it! Amazingly Amyka has agreed for me to release those too :)))

Anal: A Mission Statement

21st July 2015

The whole point of the sexy stuff on this site is that the models are having fun. Most models really don't enjoy doing anal scenes. Seriously, they don't. The way it is done in porn really hurts and they suffer a lot of injuries. Even the girls who do a lot of it (and pretend to fans that they love it) really hate doing it. I would never ask a model to do it, but if the model suggests it and assures me that it is something she enjoys, who am I to say no? Rest assured, on the very rare occasions (like with Deena here soon) that you see some mild anal themed material on here, the model has suggested doing it and is enjoying it. So there. Rant over :)

BSod It

14th July 2015 21:23

So, my pc keeps doing this. I'm a computer pro, so I have everything backed up regularly. I've installed the whole site and all the software on another pc, and it works there. Except it's decided that all the images are brand new, and wants to upload the damned whole lot to the server. All 90GB. This will take a few days :) In the meantime, there may be a few delays in putting up updates, although access to the site itself should be unaffected. Again - too much like my real job!

Pretty Much Exhausted

9th Juy 2015 20:41

I've just completed a marathon shoot with the czech model Kiki Klement who is over in London for a few days. I'd have a bath but my knees hurt so much I don't think I can get up the stairs. You may wonder why I am on my knees in front of all of these beautiful women, it seems to be how I take photos!

The wondrous Ellie Roe is coming to stay again, all of next week. The week after that I have 4 shoots, including my long awaited reunion with Amyka Lee. Then I will be taking a break as my girlfriend is coming to stay. I'm going to need it!

Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr Thrump

8th July 2015 18:13

Sorry about the downtime and late updates over the last couple of days. The disk filled up! This rather surprised me as I specified a 500GB drive on the server, and the total data amounts to about 1/6th of that. It turns out the hosts had built it with the wrong sized drive! Easy, but time consuming to fix, and quite a lot of grief with permissions to get it all working! It should be quicker now, anyway :) Far too much like my real job...

We're On The Road Again

1st July 2015 19:33

I'm on the road again for a few days, in Croatia. I won't have internet as I'm not staying in a hotel. As usual I've put up all the updates due between now and when I return Monday, and have extended the members due to renew while I'm away. I do my best!

Well, I Have A Plan

19th June 2015 07:10

I now know how I can put my photos from various live shows and festivals from around the globe up on the site. So, coming soon, once or twice a month, you will be getting special free extra bonus updates from my weekends away :)

Travel Advisory

8th June 2015 15:26

Right, I'm on the road again :) In fact, I'm currently spending 14 whole hours at home between my weekend in Mons, and my next trip .... It's complicated, I can't say where I'm going, but it's going to be seriously remote and I may not have internet access to do the updates. So, I've decided to put up all the updates due up to 15th June now. How's that for customer service?

The irritating problem with renewals is still going on. It is a fault with the DNS records on one of the billing provider's servers, but they don't seem to be able to fix it. I have extended everyone who is due a renewal while I'm away up to 16th, when I get back I will check and if you have renewed I'll extend you for the whole month. If I've got it wrong, bear with me until I return and I'll put it right then :)

This Is What You Get When You Don't Use Flash

7th June 2015 09:02

To all the drongos with their big plastic SLRs blasting away with flash, getting dead flat identikit images ... turn the damned flash off and let the light do it's work! That way you won't spoil the atmosphere for everyone else, and you'll get much better pictures! Apart from a slight crop, and reducing the size for the blog, this is straight off the camera.

Rant Over. Another cool night at Erotix Mons, and I've just successfully battled a really bad internet connection in the hotel and published a lovely set of Mia Sollis and Elen Moore over on Artcore's Cafe.

A Damned Good Reason To Stay In The EU, If You Ask Me

6th June 2015 02:04

I don't want to get political, but they do everything better in Europe, even the sex. Especially the sex. I'm at ErotixMons in Belgium. This couple, Lola and Tom, were awesome. So into each other, and so uninhibited. Not a bad weekend away for me, either. Sadly the weather has been catastrophic, with storms and floods, so the show was pretty empty (and the drive here was fucking scary). Hopefully it will get better! Good update with Karlie Simon and Kayla Louise going up when and if I wake up - too tired to do it now :)

Taking Twitter By Storm

31st May 2015 22:19

A bit of an exagerration, but it got retweeted and favourited a lot :) Something to do with the nipples I think. This is from the first set with Kayla and Karlie. I've just completed it, and fitted it into a space I'd left in the schedule next Saturday (when I, by the way, will be at an erotic fair in Mons - let's see what I will find there, last year it was a hell of a show!).

Remember - follow ... @ArtcoreCK ... and re-tweet :)

Something Different, Something Special

27th May 2015 17:40

Yes, the extremely alliterative Kayla Louise and Karlie Simon posing together for me, and for you :) Two very pretty girls, from very different ends of the modelling business, who could only be brought together by me for an afternoon of photography. Hopefully the first set will be up next week.