1 2021-05-15 - Video: "Wand In Bed"We used the wand a lot. This time it was in bed :) Explicit.2 2020-09-19 - "She Loves Her Wand"Roxy loved her wand, and she loved it even more with my fingers! Explicit3 2020-08-01 - Video: "One With The Clit Thing"This was Roxy's complicated toy. She liked the clit bit! Explcit4 2020-07-11 - Video: "Cum Close"This was disturbing to film. With a 28mm lens I really was rather close to the action! B/G5 2020-06-13 - Video: "Determined To Squirt"She'd been trying to squirt for a while, and finally managed it :) Explicit6 2020-05-30 - "Distortion"This blow job is so close up it makes everything look distorted! No harm in that :) B/G7 2020-04-25 - Video: "Cum Several Times"Roxy was actually trying to squirt. Instead she came several times! Explicit8 2020-03-21 - Video: "Cock In Mouth"Yes, Roxy has her mouth full for this film :) B/G9 2020-02-01 - "Goes Right Deep"I was really surprised at how deep the toy went here, even when I tried it! Explicit10 2019-12-28 - "Pink And Complicated"This is one of those complicated toys, and Roxy really liked it on her clit :) Explicit Roo MorgueRoxy M