Denali Dink Lu

Denali is a delightfully girly black model. She lives a long way from me, but travelled down just to see me :) I'll go up there next time.
2023-06-03 - Video:
2023-06-03 - Video: "Close Contact"
Yes, the is a lot more close contact than normal in this movie, more than was strictly in our contract. No-one was complaining though! B/G
2022-07-30 -
2022-07-30 - "Take A Good Look"
Here's a good chance to take a good look into Denali's pussy :) Explicit
2022-06-25 - Video:
2022-06-25 - Video: "Wanding Moaning"
Denali seems to make a lot of noise when using this toy. I wonder why! Explicit
2022-03-19 - Video:
2022-03-19 - Video: "Tight And Horny"
It's a huge toy, and a tight fit! Explicit
2022-01-01 - Video:
2022-01-01 - Video: "Cum In Boots"
Denali makes herself cum, without even taking her boots off :) Explicit
2021-11-27 - Video:
2021-11-27 - Video: "Suck Dis"
Yes Denali, suck on 'dis! Of course she did! B/G
2021-10-16 - Video:
2021-10-16 - Video: "Glass Ribbed"
The ribbing on the glass toy is so pronounced that it doesn't look comfortable at all. Denali doesn't seem too mind! Explicit
2021-07-17 -
2021-07-17 - "Black In Black"
Big black toy and a beautiful black pussy :) Explicit
2021-06-05 -
2021-06-05 - "On Her Knees"
Denali spends the whole of this set on her knees... with her mouth full... B/G
2021-05-08 -
2021-05-08 - "Her Black Wand"
This wand was Denali's. My small one is purple, and the battery was flat... Explicit
2021-04-03 - Video:
2021-04-03 - Video: "Detailed Inspection"
Yes, we get a good look at Denali's pussy in this movie. Explicit
2021-03-13 -
2021-03-13 - "Glass In Pussy"
I had to give Denali the chance to use one of my big black toys :) Explicit
2021-02-20 - "A Lot Of Sex"
Yes, a lot of sex going on in this set, with a big finish! B/G
2021-01-09 - "All Leather"
Well, there isn't a lot of leather, but everything is leather :) Explicit